Ashley N. Watson


SUNY Geneseo

Research Schema

a chart of my research which included discourses of difference, sociology of education, and transnational identities
What I research and the lenses through which I explore.

(W)Rite of passage: A narrative prose of healing in academic writing spaces on the journey to doctoral candidacy

A.N. Watson

Research, Advocacy, Collaboration, and Empowerment Mentoring Series, R. Williams, D. Y. Ford, Healing while studying: Reflections and strategies for healing, coping, and liberation of graduate students of minoritized identities, Information Age Publishing, 2024

Shaping a path forward: Critical approaches to civic education in tumultuous times

J. Kelley, A.N. Watson

Transformative civic education in democratic societies, T. Hoggan-Kloubert, P. E. Mabrey, C. Hoggan, Michigan State University Press, 2023, pp. 43-54

More than meets the eye: Community cultural wealth as a theory for mentoring international students

J. Kelley, A.N. Watson, A. Bindamnan

New Directions in Teaching and Learning, vol. 2023(175), 2023, pp. 83-92


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